
No chill! Naked woman dancing on car roof is brutally yanked off by irate drivero (vid)

A female exhibitionist got more than what she bargained for when a driver who didn't have time for nonsense went gangster on her.

the woman dances naked on the car, causing mad traffic before the driver flings her off the roof

The woman stripped naked and decided to jump on a random car and start dancing.

She brought traffic to a standstill on Saturday afternoon and shocked motorists and pedestrians alike.

But the driver of the car she was stood on soon got annoyed at her outlandish antics and decided to pull her down from his car.

As the footage shows, he brutally grabs her ankle and swiftly dumps her on the ground, leaving her crying in pain.

She can be seen lying on the floor as policemen try to protect her modesty and stand around her while an ambulance races to the scene.

She was taken to hospital, but later arrested

Mirror reports that it was the second time in three days the exhibitionist had been seen prancing nude in the city of Hefei in eastern China. She was spotted in nothing but a pair of high heels walking through a busy shopping centre, she was spotted doing high kicks, bending over and waving at onlookers.

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