
Bombshell 'Five Eyes' Western intelligence blast China...

Western intelligence dossier claims China lied about human-to-human transmission

Bombshell 'Five Eyes' Western intelligence blast China...

A leaked 15-page dossier from the 'Five Eyes' intelligence alliance states China's secrecy over the pandemic is an 'assault on international transparency'.
The US, Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand intelligence agencies have exposed a series of cover-ups, according to the dossier, including a 'deadly denial of human-to-human transmission', whistle-blowers including businessman Fang Bin and former state TV reporter Li Zehua (both inset) going missing, evidence of the outbreak being destroyed and China refusing to hand over virus samples for countries to develop vaccines. The leaked files show the nations were probing the possibility the virus was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The dossier refers to Dr. Shi Zhengli's (left) research at the lab into deadly bat-derived coronaviruses, with at least one virus a 96% genetic match for COVID-19. This week, Trump (right) said he had seen evidence the virus may have been created in the lab but would not divulge what the evidence was. Australia meanwhile has maintained the virus most likely came from the wet market. But the leaked documents also reveal the Australian government trained and funded key scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.