
El Salvador President to jail prisons gang leader into solitary confinement.

According to reports from the Dailymail, El Salvador President to jail prisons gang leader into solitary confinement.

El Salvador President to sent prisons gang  leader into solitary confinement after a sudden spike of 22 homicides on Friday in jailhouse

El Salvador imposes prisons lockdown after 22 murders in a day

At least they're wearing masks! El Salvador authorities ignore social distancing to cram prisoners together in jail lockdown after nation suffers 22 murders in one day

 El Salvador ignores social distancing in jailhouse lockdowns after nation sees 22 murders
President Nayib Bukele, 38, announced a prison emergency on Friday night. Gang member prisoners were forced together in social distancing violation. El Salvador has been in nationwide lockdown since March and suffered its highest murder spike since Bukele took office in June 2019.

Inmates at an El Salvador prison were forced together in a jailhouse lockdown as authorities ignored social distancing rules on Saturday.

The Izalco prison inmates were crammed next to each other after President Nayib Bukele ordered a 24-hour lockdown of prisons containing gang members.

President Bukele said their leaders would be sent into solitary confinement after a sudden spike of 22 homicides on Friday

President Bukele wrote on Twitter: 'No contact with the outside world. Shops will remain closed and all activities are suspended until further notice.

'Gang leaders will go into solitary confinement.'

Bukele said the 'maximum emergency' lockdown would be enforced while police investigated the 22 murders reported on Friday.

That number was the highest total in a single day since Bukele took office last June, a police spokesman said.