
Sharon Grey, The Psychologist Bringing Colour To Communications

Grey is a shade of infinite possibilities and when Sharon chose the colour as her new last name, she described its significance, ‘the colour describes who I am. I am neither black nor white, I am Grey.’ Sharon is anything but dull though, brimming with ideas and energy, the Psychology graduate brings a burst of colours to the team at ID Africa. 

Sharon works on the Client Service and Business Development end of things, and when asked how she would describe her work, she says  ‘… managing the perception and expectations of the client and the company. It’s a balance between two sides’. 

Sharon had interned at Black House Media at different times while still in school before joining the digital arm of the company as a full staff of IDA in 2018, then as a social media manager and has since grown to manage and handle Clients’ communication needs.


She explains that her background in psychology has helped her in handling the job better. Understanding how the human mind and behaviour works, is understanding how to communicate across different cultures. Sharon also expressed interest in the design and tech tools that make communications and human experiences in general, more delicious. This is an interest that she plans to pursue in the near future. 

With a questioning and inquisitive mind, Sharon is able to easily relate with clients and colleagues alike. She can drill through noise and find what the pain point of the client may be and then goes on to tackle it. 

Dare Okesanjo, who has been Sharon’s colleague for some years shared this about her ‘Sharon is one of my favourite teammates in IDA. I got close to her after reading this quote from her “When it comes to creativity, be a nonconformist” this stuck with me and I ran with it.  Sharon is self-driven and very ambitious. She’s always enthusiastic about life plus her bubbly personality makes it fun to be around her. One of the many things I respect about her is her copywriting skills. Sharon understands human psychology and this translates in her communication skills.’

When asked what some of the biggest lessons she has learnt on the job are, she says, ‘ Know your worth and don’t be afraid to ask for it…  No matter how bad things may look, there’s always a solution and Experience teaches the wildest work principles.’ 

Timilehin Adebiyi, another colleague who goes far back with Sharon had this to say about her, ‘I have known Sharon for over eight years – and I can tell you, she is one of the smartest persons I know. Very articulate and cocky, a social butterfly, but also, very introspective. The total package.’

Sharon blows off steam by watching interviews, documentaries, and reading magazines. With her original voice and candid personality, the possibilities are truly limitless for Sharon Grey. 

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