
Opinion: Women Don’t Break Marriages That Weren’t Already Broken

When marriages hit the rocks, there always seems to be a common factor to all the separations and divorces, which is the immediate need to either blame the woman whose marriage has broken or find another external woman to blame for the issues that marriage is facing at that point.

This is not another article by yet another upset woman or feminist who would like to change the “natural” order of things (although I am unapologetic about identifying as a feminist), but one based on fact and a fervent need to see people make use of their basic common sense that they have been given by God.

To this end, let me explain 3 reasons why a woman cannot break a marriage that is not already broken. I will start from a man’s perspective and this is super important because they are often overlooked when trying to figure out why marriages end.

Note: A man’s ‘duty’ in a marriage is to love his wife and provide for her.

If he ignores or forgets to love his wife, not just with his words but with his actions, then he is already breaking his marriage. If he fails to make corrections to attitudes and behaviours he knows he exhibits that offends his wife, then the marriage is already getting strained. If he fails to put in work into his marriage (since it’s not the sole job of a wife to do so), then the marriage will slowly disintegrate until there is nothing to hold on to.

An ‘external’ woman can also not be the reason why a marriage gets broken. The only reason why there would be another woman in a marriage in the first place is if the man allows it. If there is a need to fill in certain positions and/or roles with another woman, then there is already a problem. The presence of another woman may fasten how the marriage will get broken, but she could never be the one to actually break it. The only reason there is an ‘other woman’ in the first place is that the marriage is not complete and a breakup is already looming ahead either way.

The woman whose home has just gotten broken could also not have single-handedly broken her marriage, if there were no cracks already from the beginning. If a woman refuses to grow, evolve and put in the necessary work into her marriage (as is the job of BOTH partners), then the marriage itself already has cracks and literally anything (not necessarily another woman) could break it.

I know that a large number of people may not necessarily agree with the thoughts penned down here, but hey, that is why it is my opinion about broken marriages. Since I am not all-knowing, then my thoughts may not necessarily be accurate. If you believe that my opinion is complete hogwash, then let me know in the comment section below, I will be waiting to read what you think.

The post Opinion: Women Don’t Break Marriages That Weren’t Already Broken appeared first on Nigerian Entertainment Today.

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