
I'm Almost 38 Yrs Old and Still Single

Hello Laila Ijeoma,

I must not fail to start by admitting that I committed heavy blunder in my life. I was friends with the father of my boys ( a medical doctor) for 2yrs before I agreed to date him. Back then he worshiped at the same church with me (Dominion City) and I fell for him. That was 11years ago. I am almost 38 now and still single.

My story is a long one but I will try to be brief. I met him in church and he asked me out after some few months of being cordial. I like him and I agreed. In the process i got pregnant for him whc he never denied but he changed after my mum reported us to the church and used our church marriage committee to force him to come and at least pay my dowry so my child will not be born out of wedluck. They summoned us and Punished us for rebelling against the rules and regulations of d the church in marriage proceedings. He disgraced my womanhood that day. I would never forget that day all the days of my life.
He told d marriage committee dt am not good for him as wife material that he wont marry me but he ll take care of the baby. He accused me of seducing him which was far from the truth. His anger was because I refused to have an abortion and he accused me of tryin to tie him down. he even called my mum a gold digger there.
Like joke; like joke he left the church and went back to catholic church but kept sending money. After 9months i put to bed my son in the hospital whr he works. He kept taking care of us and got me a 2 room apartment at Emene. He even begged me to forgive him that it was shame that made him overreact.  He do visit us time to time taking his son out for shopping.
Around 2013, Doc were ejected out of his apartment at Damija trans ekulu by the new owner who bought the house from his former landlord. he packed in with us promising to get a house shortly. I accepted based on my son plea for his daddy and because i thought he was genuinely changed.What happened to me in the process i cant explain. Just found out that i was pregnant for him again. I wept but cant help it. I gave birth to another boy yet not married to him. He has gotten an apartment around upper chime new haven and moved in leaving me with his two sons to take care of..what ve i done to myself. single mother of two. no husband of my own. He just kept me there and sends money for me and his sons.
He is still single and almost 43 yet he keeps saying he is not ready. His mum keeps visiting us and comforting me and honestly, thats what has kept me going. I have tried to deny him sex over a long period thinking that it may change him instead he seem to become more distant that when I allow him. at least, when I allow him, he can sometimes spend nights and some weekends now I dont even see him just keep receiving alert every 2 weeks. I must admit that he takes care of us well but I am not happy. This was not the plans i wanted for my future. I want a real home with proper marriage. I have prayed, I have fasted. i have been faithful. yet no show. plz i need urgent attention on my situation. age is not on my side anymore. pls wat do i do in this situation ...