
Disappointed Blog Reader Writes an Open Letter to Laila

 Hello Laila,

I have an observation to make and I suggest you publish it in the spirit of fairness because it is an open letter to you. I am the pregnant lady with breast issues who wrote you a few days back.

I wrote you because you are an experienced mum and a passionate woman with a massive readership. I would have written the other lady but she is still single and not a mum yet so she may not understand my issue. I needed blog reader opinions (YES) no denying that and I got some but the fact is that i also needed your own personal opinion too.

I didnt get any opinion from you just a reply acknowledging that you received my mail and that you will publish. That is good but not good enough in my own small opinion. I also noticed that some of these mails from other readers, you just post them without addressing them personally on the post. We need your opinion. you just leave every thing for the readers who end up messing up the whole thing with their foul mouth and sometimes stupid and heartless comments.

Dont get me wrong. Some readers actually contribute reasonably and I appreciated the few that really assisted me with kind words, advises and opinion. Those comments actually helped while some will make you feel worse but we your readers need you to be more involved maybe in the comment section or on the post itself.

This is just my opinion from (MY) observation but I know That I just spoke the minds of many of your readers. I may be wrong though. Please consider this and make the necessary adjustments

Thank you
From the biggest lailan ever