
Dabota Lawson shares inspiring story of how total stranger in London found and returned lost phone (photo)

Dabota Lawson shared this inspiring story of how a complete stranger in London found her missing phone and returned it to her. In her narration, I noticed a new level of maturity, as well as subtle hints at her marriage.

Read below

"They're are still kind and genuine people out there.

On A Saturday Morning at about 12:40am I realized my phone was missing .

Prior to that myself and my "precious sisters" ( yes that's how we address each other in a deep Igbo accent ) went to the Cinema to see a movie ( that I didn't even want to go and see) Anyway we left for a 20mins journey and watched the movie that I didn't really like ( no one forced me , but I didn't want to stay alone on a Friday night at home ) .

Anyway moving forward we got back , I put my bag down , had a shower, plastered all my beauty treatment ready to sleep.

It was also time to put my phone on silent and charge as usual till the morning .

Then I realized My phone was missing .. ( oh my God the horror) I'm away from naija, all the way in London it's been a month now, not backed up , nothing CHAIIII JESOSSSSS .. We started calling until a man picked up and said "your phone was dropped off a few mins ago at the Acton police station"..omdz Wayment. I called a cab and rushed quickly to the station another 20 mins journey to the other side of town .

Cut long story short I got my phone and saw this message in my DM ..... I still cannot get over this random act of kindness . I just can't . If you critically analyze it especially in the world we live in today .

It really touched my heart .

If someone who you call a friend or a lover is not treating with utmost respect and love , with people like this ( the kind hearted person who took my phone to the police station ) existing in the world???? Come on surely you can find better friends and real love . Surely There has to be more people like this in this world.

Not everyone is out to get you . And sometimes your enemy of yesterday can become a dear friend tomorrow.

It's not easy to trust people or open up after being hurt repeatedly . But

It's also important to not always play the victim card and understand that we all human beings and have our short comings and you too may have hurt someone in the past.

Sometimes the terrible people we encounter are as a result of our poor choices .

Some people have even come to a place where they can't heal.

Some people have even come to a place where they can't heal anymore , and then begin to claim they like or are in love with such toxic people , eventually they build a home spiritually and physically on hopelessness and dysfunction .

How many times would one lie to themselves and defend countless situations of betrayal, disrespect and humiliation so much so that they find comfort in something uncomfortable . Especially in the name of keeping up appearances on social media. No one is fooled and be-careful that even your so called friends are not laughing at you whilst you think they are laughing with you.

Please On such occasions tell yourself the truth and walk away from them without bearing grudge, their time will eventually come .

And what's meant for you will come .

Over the past couple of months I've slowly mastered the art of enjoying ME TIME . Away from family and friends. I've also learned to cut people off without notice once my association with them affects my sanity and I immediately create space for new people .

One chance , one life . " ENJOY "YOUR LIFE not waste your life . ENJOY THE GOOD LIFE THATS GUIDED BY KNOWLEDGE & LOVE