Hi, welcome to another April Fools’ Day, prank a friend/family/colleague, or fasten your seat belts, and anticipate the hoax to smash you the other way round.
A day like this is celebrated globally, playing real-world jokes and spreading hoaxes, don’t fall fool victim to some broadcast awaiting you. Divorce papers from your wife or a sack letter from your employer will appear like a pun, PAY ATTENTION.
However, since the 19th century, the day has not been declared a public holiday in any country. Will the day ever get an official stamp of approval anywhere?
Either fooling people or getting fooled, aren’t you tired of shouting ‘April Fool!’ every year? Why not try using ‘Pacaleala de 1 Aprilie!’ like the Romanians or ‘April Fish’ common in Italy, France, Canada and other French-speaking areas?
Have a good day!
by 208headlines