
Is This Man Being Unreasonablen or Is His Request Justified?

About 2 years ago, I decided to start saving a portion of my salary. Although l did not inform him about it, he discovered the deposit teller used for the payments and was very angry about it. I told him l had no intention of keeping such info from him but only waiting to tell him just before he discovered. I also explained that the money was for us as we were more or less spending all that we had without any concrete plan or savings.

Meanwhile, let me state that l am the bread winner for my parents and siblings and the only one who pays my parent’s house rent and my siblings’ school fees, even my own house rent in the town where l work all of which my husband knew well about before we married.

The said contribution is about to mature and my husband expects me to share the money into two equal halves and give him a portion. However, l explained that his request can only be possible after l have settled all the bills l have to settle and then we can share the remaining and he said it’s not possible.

He is claiming that he has been taking care of my needs and because of this he has not saved up anything from his meagre pay. He also said that it’s not his headache that l have responsibilities, that he could ban me from caring for my family’s needs as my husband. This is the person, who at one time claimed that he does not need my money. Please help, l need constructive counsels.

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