
Guys! Here are 15 clever ways to use emojis while sexting


Ladies talk about three things – boys, other girls and sex. And of all these three, sex takes prominence, like they talk about sex all the time! I see you rolling your eyes, but trust me, I ain’t exaggerating.

And now that most of the conversations between girlfriends happen via IMs (instant messaging), life would be so much easier if sexual organs/acts came in emojis. But then again, it might be tad gross to have penis emojis splattered all over your texts.

READ: Dear men, here are 10 moves you make during sex that women hate

So while we wait for Whatsapp/BBM and all their peers to come up with creative sex emojis, here are 15 really clever ways to talk ‘dirty’ without actually talking dirty. Not sure that makes a lot of sense but I’m pretty sure you’ll learn a trick or two.

See below:





by 208headlines