Do you know the name Woody? Unlikely. But you sha know Sisquo? Aha! Well they started the group music group ‘Dru Hill‘ together with Jazz and Nokio.
Sisquo is richer, more popular and generally more accomplished than Woody, who is said to have a great voice, yet they are best of friends.
‘The biggest discovery that friends can make amongst themselves is how to grow separately without growing apart’…. Anonymous
It is sad to note that individual growth amongst friends is almost a guarantee that the friendship itself would stop to grow.
Some great friends get along just perfectly because the guy who is not expected to grow is not growing so all is cool.
Even when he does grow, the other half of the friendship is happy for him AS LONG AS HE DOESN’T GROW BIGGER THAN HIM.
Others are just unbelievably bitter that their friends take off into great success and then choose to bring them down as some form of consolation for not doing as good themselves.
Sincerely from the heart cultivate the genuine culture of being happy for a companion who may chase a mutual dream and seem to have gotten it within enviable reach.
Let the bond you enjoy with anyone never be threatened by the individuals progress be it perceived or real. That attitude stops you from being in your own way of touching yours. With your eyes fixed on your prize, Spare that arm that gives a pat on the back to the deserving.
Be happy for your friends who do well and the train would move faster in your direction.
by 208headlines