
After Threesome With Teen, Doctor Batters Husband To Death With Hammer

A female doctor is accused of killing her husband with a hammer after they engaged in a threesome with a teenage girl.

Chamari Liyanage is alleged to have murdered Dinendra Athukorala over fears their sexual activity could burden her career.

The Sri Lankan couple had threesomes with a number of other women, including a 17-year-old girl.

When police arrived, the walls were splattered with his blood and she was curled up beside the bed, it is alleged.

The jury at the Supreme Court of Western Australia heard how the defendant was at breaking point and had become fed up of her "controlling" husband.

She had told police how he was physically violent, forced her to engage in sexual acts and controlled her finances and kept tabs on where she went.

The jury heard the tearful 10-minute phone call she made in June 2014, when she claimed she couldn't remember what happened.

Police said his body lay on top of a blood-soaked mattress and there was a pillow on top of the corpse.

Matthew Curley, one of the first responders, said: "I asked if she knew what had happened.

"She said she did not know."

Defence lawyer George Giudice said Liyanage was a "sleep-deprived, anxious, trapped and battered woman".

She pleaded not guilty to murder.

The trial, set to continue for three weeks, continues.

 UK Mirror
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