
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West disagree about having more children

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are reportedly rowing. Photo: Filed

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are reportedly rowing. Photo: Filed

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are reportedly rowing over their plans for the future.

The couple welcomed their second child, son Saint, into the world last December. And now it has been claimed that while Kanye is keen to have a third baby, Kim is putting her foot down about further expanding their brood.

A source said: ‘Kanye thinks she shouldn’t be making any permanent decision about future babies right now because she’s so depressed about her body.

‘But Kim is sticking to her position that this was her last pregnancy.’

Kim was reportedly told by doctors after Saint’s birth that she wouldn’t be able to carry any more children herself.

During both pregnancies she suffered from the condition ‘placenta accrete’ which occurs when blood vessels and other parts of the placenta become too deeply attached to the uterine wall.

Doctors are said to have told the reality television star that if she fell pregnant again she would be putting both her own live and that of her baby’s at risk if she carries the child to term.

However, there have been rumours Kim would consider surrogacy at some point in the future – but Kanye is apparently less than sold on the idea.

The source added to ‘He wants to continue growing the family and he’s ‘creeped out’ by the idea of surrogacy. But he has no choice because Kim’s already looking into getting her tubes tied or an IUD put in.’

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