
China fight to take its place as a major world power

China fight to take its place as a major world power 

China rouses to take its place as a major world power and this is made possible by a vast population, almost 1.4 billion people, almost twice the population of Africa, an expansive economy on a relentless growth path and a stable and efficient political system…compare with Nigeria, almost at par with China in developmental terms in the 1960s and ’70s but now almost a basket case!
With only 170 million people, some people are canvassing ethno-religious balkanization of the country as the only path to development! I humbly believe Nigeria is the only hope for the black race to assert it’s humanity, balkanization will merely fragment our already pitiable situation! How are they faring, the new nations of the old Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia etc, they are in most cases, in pitiable state!

“China is building the world’s greatest economic development and construction project ever undertaken: The New Silk Road. The project aims at no less than a revolutionary change in the economic map of the world…The ambitious vision is to resurrect the ancient Silk Road as a modern transit, trade, and economic corridor that runs from Shanghai to Berlin. The ‘Road’ will traverse China, Mongolia, Russia, Belarus, Poland, and Germany, extending more than 8,000 miles, creating an economic zone that extends over one third the circumference of the earth.

The plan envisions building high-speed railroads, roads and highways, energy transmission and distributions networks, and fiber optic networks. Cities and ports along the route will be targeted for economic development.

An equally essential part of the plan is a sea-based “Maritime Silk Road” (MSR) component, as ambitious as its land-based project, linking China with the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea through Central Asia and the Indian Ocean. When completed, like the ancient Silk Road, it will connect three continents: Asia, Europe, and Africa. The chain of infrastructure projects will create the world’s largest economic corridor, covering a population of 4.4 billion and an economic output of $21 trillion…

Another threat to US global rule is the aforementioned Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The danger of the AIIB is not simply that it will fund many of the infrastructure projects that will be needed to integrate Europe, Asia and Africa into one giant free trade zone, but that the bank will replace key US-backed financial institutions (The IMF and World Bank) which have helped maintain Washington’s iron-grip on the global system. As that grip progressively loosens, there will be less need for cross-border transactions to be carried out in US dollars which, in turn, will threaten the dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency. As author Bart Gruzalski notes in his excellent article at Counterpunch, “China and Russia are creating alternatives that threaten the dollar’s status as the sole dominant international currency. By instituting trade alternatives to the dollar, they challenge the value of the dollar and so threaten the US economy.” – Beating Uncle Sam at His Own Game by MIKE WHITNEY in Counterpunch.