
Mysterious Disease OUTBREAK NOT EBOLA In Ondo, Investigation On The Widespread Killer Disease – A MUST READ

EVD VIRUS: Mysterious Disease OUTBREAK NOT EBOLA In Ondo, Chat212 Investigation On The Widespread Killer Disease – A MUST READ
Residents of Irele township in Ondo state have been hit by a deadly disease which is similar to but more dangerous than Ebola.
Report of the investigation of rumored outbreaks of mysterious deaths in Irele LGA, Ondo State
Background: Following the rumor of an outbreak of mysterious deaths involving five persons initially on Tuesday 14th April, with additional two on Wednesday 15th April, the team comprising the State team and partners were at Irele on the 15th-April to investigate the outbreak.
The account of the story received was that one person died as a result of an offence he committed and was buried as a rite near the shrine of a traditional god, worship in the community. Four persons said to have gone to exhume the body to cut the head for money ritual purposes were said to have mysteriously died after complaints of blurred vision and headache. Two additional deaths were reported on the 15th but no confirmation of whether they were linked to the earlier ones. The objective of the preliminary investigation was to confirm the outbreak and verify the diagnosis.
Methods: The investigating team visited the communities affected and the General Hospital as well as other health facilities, to confirm if such an outbreak occurrred. Key informants interview, hospital record search, patient interview and laboratory investigation were used to obtained information..
Summary of Findings: A total of 13 deaths and 1 case was found, according to reports.
The deaths were from two communities; Ayadi Community (3 deaths), Ode Irele township (10 deaths and 1 case). Deaths/cases were generally not related to each other except for one who was said to be involved in the burial of another. They were maily farmers and motorcyle riders by occupation.
The symptoms common to them were sudden blurred vision, headache, loss of consciousness followed by death, all occuring within 24 hours.
Working Diagnosis
Viral Encephalitis
Toxic waste
Heavy metals poisoning
Measures taken so far:
CSF specimen taken from 1 case
Bloood specimen from 2 cases
Urine specimen from 2 cases
All specimen ship to Lagos University Teaching Hospital Lagos in care of Prof. Omilabu this morning.
Case management designated to Irele General Hospital.Active case search and line listing of cases and deaths. The surveillance focal persons at the health facilites and the LGA DSNO already instructed to commence this and forward to the State DSNO the line list daily.
Radio jingles to counteract misinformation going around that it is EVD outbreak and for the public to report cases with symptoms similar to the
current outbreak
Emergency Operation Centre opened and met to discuss strategies for control.